It seems like AMD is not quite done with its HBM paired Vega GPU architecture just yet. The company filed trademarks for two new variants of its Vega logo. One is a blue colored variant while the other is a black and white texture of the same “V” logo. AMD is expected to unveil its 7nm Navi GPUs this Computex to try and compete with an increasingly dominant NVIDIA whose GTX Turing cards have been wreaking havoc to AMD’s dated Polaris lineup (RX 580, 590).
AMD used the blue logo for the announcement of the Radeon Pro WX 9100 back in 2017. The USPTO filings confirm that both logos have been assigned to examiners on the 24th of April, last month. To be fair, I don’t doubt it. AMD has had a history of rebranding older architectures at affordable prices to challenge NVIDIA’s cutting edge yet expensive hardware. The GCN 4 based Polaris lineup is proof of team red’s success on that front. There’s also the possibility that the top-end card from AMD’s next product stack will be based on Navi while the lower-end cheaper models will leverage Vega. The company is planning to reuse some of the architecture level features introduced back with Vega in Navi, so there’s a chance these new Vega products also reintegrate them. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
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