There Might Be No OnePlus 9T or 9T Pro This Year

    OnePlus 9 Pro OnePlus 9T

    Over the last few years, OnePlus has been launching two flagship series’ a year. The first one comes in the first half of the year, then a T branded successor in the fall. Well, that might not be happening this year. According, Max Jambor, there’s no OnePlus 9T or either 9T Pro.

    Oneplus 9 OnePlus 9t

    Max Jambor holds a decent track record when it comes to reporting news’ regarding OnePlus. Last year, he was the one who said that there wouldn’t be a OnePlus 8T Pro, and there wasn’t one. We were hoping OnePlus would skip the 9T Pro, but the company getting rid of the T series altogether this year is not that surprising. If the rumour pan outs, the company will sell the OnePlus 9 duo alongside the Nord lineup.

    There could be many reasons behind OnePlus planning to skip the T series this year. One of many could be the global chip shortage, which already caused enough chaos in the tech market. Another reason could be OnePlus’ already extensive portfolio, or maybe the folks over at OnePlus might have figured out that there’s not much to upgrade this year, and they’re better off with the OnePlus 9 series. It’s too early to comment, so it’s better to wait and watch it pan out.

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