NaissanceE Is Now Free To Play On Steam


    NaissanceE is a magical first-person exploration PC game developed on UDK by Limasse Five with the participation of Pauline Oliveros, Patricia Dallio and Thierry Zaboitzeff.


    Limasse Five recently gave an announcement through a message on the Steam page of the game :

    “Hi there, NaissanceE will be available for free tomorrow the 21 of September (10 AM PST time).
    I initially planned to make it free after some years and now is the time.
    Thanks to all the people who enjoyed the game, I hope many others will discover it now. “

    NaissanceE is an adventure taking place in a primitive mysterious structure. The game mainly consists of exploring and feeling the deep and strong ambiance of this atemporal world with platforming and puzzle areas enriching the experience.

    The game is constructed along a linear path punctuated by more open areas to freely explore, some puzzles to solve and some more experimental sequences.

    NaissanceE project began at the end of 2006 with the idea to create an initiatic trip in a metaphoric world. Using the video game tool appeared as the best way to gather several artistic influences, from music to architecture, into one virtual object.


    So now that this game is free on Steam, you can just open the game page on Steam and add it to your library.

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