We recently talked about Intel’s absurd pricing scheme with their upcoming F-series processors. These new Intel F-Series processors are essentially the same as their non-F counterparts, with the same core counts, frequencies and TDP. The catch is that they lack the integrated GPU for those who will be adding a dedicated Graphics Card on their system. Now new details have surfaced online about these processors. SiSoftware entries have leaked the specifications of the announcement-pending 9th generation Core i3-9100F.
It’s interesting that this particular CPU wasn’t listed amongst other F-series CPUs for the RCP list so we don’t have any details on its pricing yet. As an upshot of this, the i3-8100F has been removed from Intel’s ARK database which makes sense.
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- AMD CPU Share Climbs to a 5 Year High, Courtesy of Ryzen and Epyc Chips
- Octa-Level NAND Coming Later in 2019, Courtesy of Micron?
- AMD Radeon Navi GPUs Delayed To Q4 2019
According to the
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