Data Breach Alert: Samsung Users’ Find My Mobile Notification Was A Data Breach

    Samsung Find My Mobile

    If you are one of the many who got the 1/1 notification on your Samsung mobile, then beware. Chances are your data is not safe. It is advised to change your password as a precautionary measure.

    As The Register reports, multiple users “found strangers’ personal data displayed to them”. Users did change their passwords after thinking that Samsung was hacked. While Samsung denied the claims saying that the it was due to “an internal test”. It seems like that wasn’t the case.

    The Register further adds that a Samsung spokesperson admitted the data breach. He said, “A technical error resulted in a small number of users being able to access the details of another user. As soon as we became of aware of the incident, we removed the ability to log in to the store on our website until the issue was fixed. We will be contacting those affected by the issue with further details”.

    The not so good part is the app can’t be uninstalled. It can be disabled, but that won’t make a difference. However, we recommend changing your password.

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