AMD Ryzen 7 3700X & 3800X Overpriced at Amazon: $150 More than the MSRP


    AMD’s Ryzen 3000 processors launched last week, and have been selling like hotcakes, with most retailers already out of stock. Many dealers are using this opportunity to make some extra bucks off desperate consumers by selling the few remaining units at a premium. Amazon, despite being one of the largest online stores is also fleecing customers as much as they can, with the Ryzen 7 3800X selling for an additional $150, bringing the price to $549.

    The actual price of the higher-end Ryzen 7 is just $499, and it seems like Amazon is straight up ripping us off. I checked the 3700X and that too is being sold much higher than the MSRP. The launch price set by AMD is $329, while Amazon is charging $499 for it, an additional $70 over the original. They’re essentially selling the Ryzen 7 3700X for the price of the 3800X, with the latter being sold higher than even the Core i9-9900K pretty much making it an infeasible buy.

    If you check out other stores like BestBuy and Newegg, you’ll see that most of the high-end Zen 2 chips are out of stock, explaining why Amazon is able to get away with this blunder. BB, however still has the Ryzen 7 3700X in stock and is selling it at default price of $329:

    It’s really disappointing seeing retailers make profits by misleading the average buyer when the stocks aren’t able to meet the market demand. I really hope AMD does something about this, and soon. A $150 hike is no joke after all.

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