What To Look Out For In 2020



    Space travel might become a reality. Yes, you heard us right! Virgin Galactic was leading in this area some time ago and now, Tesla has overtaken them and are claiming the possibility of sending humans to the moon or at least take a trip around it sometime in 2020. While working day and night on SpaceX and its rockets, it will be an expensive trip ultimately. The company intends to ensure that those taking the trip will do so in the lap of comfort and they will be provided with top-line gadgets and high-end interiors for company.


    Just a decade ago, a deluxe vehicle represented either a splendid SUV or a sports car. Recent times have seen the industry going green. It is just a matter of time for luxury brands to move towards non-bio fuel engines. Everyone from Mercedes to BMW to Audi is going to bring their own set of EVs (Electric Vehicles) to the market.

    The buzz is that Tesla might come to India with an expensive version by the end of this year. These premium luxury EVs will have heated seats, climate control multi-channel sound systems amongst other features. They’ll even include smart artificial assistants and massage seats. It has a range of 300 km or higher and is ideal for the ones who want an eco-friendly substitute.


    Things are going to change in PC and mobile gaming this year. Both Sony and Microsoft have announced the arrival of their respective new gaming consoles to the market in 2020. Sony will release the PlayStation 5 whereas Microsoft will launch Xbox Series X. The regular UHD TV supports up to 4K resolution, however, these consoles will support double of that. Yes, 8K is what both will support and will also display true to life graphics and scenery. The exteriors and interiors will get a complete overhaul. The users will get meaner looking machines with blitzkrieg performance.


    We all love gadgets that sing along or read the news to us. In 2019 we saw a lot of AIs (Artificial Intelligence) like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant in our smartphones or smart speakers. So, it was only natural that this year they move into our kitchens. From refrigerators and microwaves—with the new tech, these gadgets will be able to read out recipes and help users shop for groceries. It might even tell them when the food is cooked and ready to go. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?


    The 5th generation of mobile internet connectivity is going to give us super-fast download and upload speeds as well as stable connections. 5G mobile data networks became available for the first time in 2019. They were mostly still expensive and limited to functioning in confined areas or major cities.

    2020 is likely to be the year when 5G really starts to fly, with more affordable data plans. Chances are that by the end of 2020, Airtel and JIO along with Vodafone, Idea will be running 5G. Super-fast data networks will not only give us the ability to stream movies and music at a higher quality when we’re on the move but greatly increased speeds mean that mobile networks will become more usable than the wired networks running into our homes and businesses.

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