Upcoming Games You Should Be Excited For – Part 2


    The start of a new year has with it the hope that things will be everything will be better; we strive to be better people through the use of New Year Resolutions and other promises in order to improve our lives. Likewise, video game developers, we can only hope, would want to improve our lives through making better games that we can cherish, and in 2019, there are a whole host of games that any video game fan ought to be excited for. We’ve already taken a look at some titles that have been heavily anticipated throughout 2018, and now, we’re about to add to that list.

    1. Kingdom Hearts III

    It’s finally happening, ladies and gentlemen. After an excruciating 14 years, Kingdom Hearts is finally back for a main series title. Picking up after the last grand adventure Sora and his friends had, the game will supposedly delve deeper into more lore than ever before, along with more worlds and characters than any game before. This game has been on everyone’s minds since it was announced at E3 2013, and fans have waited patiently as more information was given by Square Enix, little by little. The game is scheduled for release in January of this year, finally easing the minds of fans who have been waiting for over a decade.

    2. Pokémon (Untitled Switch Title)

    The much acclaimed Nintendo Switch console received its first Pokemon title last year in the form of Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu! and Let’s Go Eevee! The games were met with positive reception, however, they were not conventional Pokémon titles, using mechanics from Pokémon Go and being a far cry from the standard difficulty we’ve come to expect from mainstay Pokémon titles. However, Nintendo has made plans for a brand new Pokémon game on the Switch, one that is reportedly much more in line with what expect from a main title. Given the graphics the Switch can handle and the sheer popularity of the franchise, we’re surely in for a treat.

    3. Luigi’s Mansion 3

    For the first time since 2001, a Luigi’s Mansion title will be available on a home console. At the E3 presentation last year, Nintendo revealed that they were working on a brand new title for Luigi’s flagship franchise, tentatively titled Luigi’s Mansion 3. The trailer showed Luigi slowly inching his way through yet another creepy house, probably there against his will, just like in the previous instalments. Unfortunately, we don’t have too much information about the game at the current juncture, but rest assured, this game is bound to be one of Nintendo’s biggest hits of the year.

    4. Mortal Combat 11

    Few fighting games have embedded themselves as icons of the genre like Mortal Combat has. When it burst on to the scene so many years ago, it shocked everyone with its gritty graphics and attention to gruesomeness, and the franchise has only gotten more polished with each passing instalment. The latest is set up to be no exception to this, as new mechanics and characters have been announced to make the overall experience more grisly than ever before.

    5. Animal Crossing

    The fact that Nintendo gave practically no information on a new Animal Crossing title even as franchises like Mario and Zelda were getting incredible games for the Switch became a running joke amongst Nintendo fans. However, during a Nintendo Direct in 2018, we finally got an indication as to when we could expect the next title in the franchise. Despite the fact that no new gameplay footage was released and no new details other than a quick teaser were revealed, it was clear that people were desperately looking forward to the new title, which promised to be ‘a whole new adventure’

    So there you have it! Some new and exciting games are coming this year, and I personally cannot wait. These games are bound to generate waves of excitement throughout the gaming community, and their release dates cannot come sooner.

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