IT Sector in India: Losing Money to an Unhealthy Lifestyle


    Bengaluru, also known as the Silicon Valley of India is one of the prime contributors to India’s GDP. The sobriquet was awarded to the city as it is the destination for IT sector job seekers in the country. According to recent trends, the IT sector in Bengaluru is losing $3.5 billion annually.

    IT division contributes to the GDP heavily.
    IT division contributes to the GDP heavily.

    What is causing the annual loss in revenue?

    An analysis by RedSeer Consulting suggested that an unhealthy lifestyle is to blame. Techies in the age group of 30-40 are the most affected. This age group also contributes to a high percentage of the loss in revenue. Poor dietary habits and deficiency of Vitamin D are severely affecting the health of young workers in the service sector.

    A chart that represents the different health problems experienced by various age group’s in Bengaluru’s IT sector.

    Employees in the IT division, are victims of bad mental and physical health. Their lifestyles are affected by increasing work hours and large workloads. Workers have to work for extended hours, and this affects their health and in turn their performance. It is a known fact that work environments lead to several mental illnesses. Many complain that traveling hours should be a part of the work hours. Especially in a city like Bengaluru that is prone to traffic jams, maintaining the work-life balance can be very challenging.

    Efficiency of employees is affected by prolonged work hours and stressful work environements

    How are companies trying to improve lifestyles of those working in the IT sector?

    Indians work for nearly 2,195 hours on an average every year, far above the 1,678 hours a year in Vienna, the city that ranked among the top thirteen for work-life balance. Quite a few companies in India are taking an initiative to change this. Many offices in IT companies have included sports and gym facilities in the office as well. Along with this, the cafeteria provides healthier food. Medical checkups are offered from time to time. Companies urge employees to participate in activities like marathons which are hosted often.

    Hopefully, the industry works towards the well being of its workers. Probably, with more involvement from the higher authorities, the changes in the lifestyle of employees in Bangalore and other states should reflect soon.

    Maybe it’s time to ban galore work hours in the IT sector!

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