Intel Confirms their Discrete Graphics Card in latest Linux Patches


    A new report coming from Phoronix claims that Intel has released 42 patches for Linux graphics drivers with over 4000 lines of code that confirm the efforts on its new lineup of discrete Graphics Cards.

    Not only is it evident from those patches, but Intel themselves went ahead and posted a tweet about their future plans with dedicated graphics solutions.

    “Our journey toward a new visual computing experience is underway, and that includes a commitment to the #OpenSource community. Local memory implementation is the first of many steps toward robust Linux support for our future discrete graphics solutions.”  – Intel Graphics

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    Back in December 2018 they said that Discrete Graphics are a work in progress and we’ll most likely be seeing them debut in 2020. So it only makes sense that they’ve started driver testing a year prior.

    In the current GPU market, Intel is the only company with enough potential to give any sort of competition to the Graphics giants AMD and Nvidia. From what they have teased so far, their focus seems to be on Gaming instead of Workstations contrary to what one might assume.

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