Disney Planning to Launch Exciting Watch Party Feature Called GroupWatch!


    I’m sure most of you have heard of what a watch party is. With the onset of the pandemic, many companies have come up with their own version of watch parties. House Party was one of the first apps to come up the concept of watch parties.

    Watch party is a feature that a lot of streaming services have introduced. Through this feature, friends and family can virtually get together to stream content online together. Watch parties strive to provide the experience of being able to watch movies and shows together and is a very useful and necessary feature in 2020.

    It has been reported that Disney has been planning to launch its own watch party app which will be called GroupWatch. The company is testing out the feature, which will enable subscribers to watch movies together virtually. It has been reported that the feature will allow about six people to be present in a particular watch party session. The icon of GroupWatch might also be present on the show’s or the movie’s title page. 

    This feature by Disney will be launched all across the world, but it is currently being tested for the Canada market. What this feature exactly does is lets users of the app stream any movie or show on Disney Plus if they are a subscriber of the streaming platform.

    Watch Party

    Other apps such as Amazon has also rolled out this feature some time back for their subscribers and that allows around 100 participants to take part in this feature. For all of these streaming platforms, this feature is only available if the content is available to be streamed in that region and if the person is a subscriber. 

    The GroupWatch feature is not the only feature that has gained popularity during the pandemic. There are many similar third-party web browser extensions that can successfully enable users to get connected to Netflix, Disney or even HBO to collectively stream content together. A third-party app called Scener is one of them, which lets you watch TV shows and movies with friends and family.

    Scener has gained increasing popularity over the past few months now as many people are stuck at home. This is a great feature for companies to introduce considering the spike in the number of OTT subscribers along with an increasing number of releases every week.

    The GroupWatch feature was first reported by The DisInsider which informs about news related to Disney. It mentioned that there is a new code that has been embedded in the website which points at the possibility of introducing a watch party feature. DisInsider has pointed out that the GroupWatch could have been Disney’s idea to enable co-watching Mulan.

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