10 Most Important Cybersecurity Tips

    cybersecurity / internet

    With our dependence on the web for our work, entertainment, and business, cybersecurity has become a greater concern for many. If you are one of these people, here are 10 ways two improve your cybersecurity:

    1. Understand the different online scams

    The first thing you should do to protect your security online is to educate yourself about online scams. Research shows that internet scamming is on the rise. These scams range from emails and malicious websites to dating and fake advertisements. Email scams continue to be popular among fraudsters. We have all heard about the money transfer scam in which someone offers you a large sum if you cover some basic charges. Besides email, scammers also use social networking sites, classifieds and forums to target unsuspecting users.

    Dating sites are also a target of scammers. Many sites don’t require users to prove their identity, so anyone can make a fake profile on that site. If you are talking to someone on a dating site or a social media platform, authenticate the information they provide with a people search engine. Sites like Nuwber collect publicly-available information about people. Enter the name, location, or contact number of the person to find out more about them. The type of information may include links to contact details, neighbours, public records, etc.

    1. Update your software

    An out of date software may have some vulnerabilities that hackers can target to access your computer. Your software provider will address these issues by releasing new updates. The easiest way to keep your system up-to-date is to turn on automatic updates. The top browsers also release security updates frequently so enable automatic updates on the browser. If you are using plugins, make sure you update them as well.

    1. Use an anti-virus

    As software companies update their software to address issues, antivirus software updates their databases to protect you from the latest malware. There are both free and paid antivirus softwares on the market. Compare features and the reputation of software providers when choosing a product.

    1. Use a strong password

    A strong password is important because you need to protect your information against algorithms designed to guess passwords. Use a minimum of eight characters and avoid repetitive characters, regular words, and common passwords. Update your password at least twice a year.

    1. Use two-factor authentication

    Two-factor authentication is offered by many companies. To access your account, you are asked to give your password and one additional detail, like a code, sent to your mobile number.

    1. Avoid public Wi-Fi

    If you are in a public place or travelling somewhere, avoid using the openly available Wi-Fi. This Wi-Fi network is open to everyone within its range, and you don’t have any idea who is on the same network. If you have to use the public Wi-Fi, use a VPN, virtual private network, service to hide from other people on the network.

    1. Lock your device

    Whether it is your laptop, desktop, or mobile phone, set a device lock on it. This additional layer of protection secures your privacy and data in situations where you forgot to shut down your computer or where your computer gets lost.

    1. Understand privacy settings

    Check the privacy settings of your devices, social media accounts, email service, and other websites you use. Go through the options to see if you can make your account more secure.

    1. Back up and protect your data

    If you are a victim of a cybercrime and require a computer repair, the data you back up will help you continue from where you left. You can back up your data online or in a removable drive. Some companies also offer to automatically backup your data in a given time frame. If you have some sensitive information on your computer, it is best to transfer it to an external drive.

    1. Avoid malicious websites

    Many cybersecurity software also inspects the security of webpages. If a page is flagged by your software, avoid visiting that website. Also don’t download content from questionable websites. Finally, check for add-ons you can use with your browser to help you identify bad websites.

    The threat of cybercrime has increased with the increase in online business and entertainment. Doing these 10 things will help you secure yourself better when using the web.

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