Nearly 100 Games Get FPS Boost On Xbox Series Consoles, Making It The Best Console Platform For Backwards Compatibility

    FPS Boost on Xbox Series Consoles - credit @klobrille

    Backwards compatibility on Xbox consoles just got a major boost. Xbox has announced that it is adding the ‘FPS Boost’ feature to over 70 games today, increasing the number of games supporting it to 97. With FPS Boost, almost 100 Xbox games will now be playable at 60/120 frames per second, easily making it the best console platform for backwards compatibility/enhancements.

    The good news comes to us from Major Nelson’s blog post, where you can check out the full list of games supporting the performance-enhancing feature. FPS Boost is a feature that is injected into the games by Xbox’s backwards compatibility team, requiring almost no additional work by game developers.

    To know more about FPS Boost and how it works, check out what Jason Ronald, Director of Program Management at Xbox has to say in the video below.

    Ever since the Xbox Series consoles’ announcement(s), Xbox has been marketing the consoles’ power very hard. While that power was missing from its presentations during the pre-console launch phase, Microsoft has been quietly adding quality of life updates, making your older games even better to look at and play.

    Previously, Xbox added FPS Boost to a handful amount of games, including 5 big Bethesda titles. Thanks to the Xbox teams’ work, gamers can now enjoy titles that launched with server performance issues such as Assassin’s Creed Unity at 60 FPS. There’s a good number of games optimized for 120 FPS also, including games from Battlefield franchise, Hollow Knight, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Titanfall 2 and Superhot, among others.

    Five Bethesda titles get the FPS boost feature on next-gen Xbox consoles.

    Backwards compatibility has been a driving factor in getting a new console this time around, with the lack of actual next-gen only titles being scarce on Xbox land. While Xbox has had only The Medium as a next-gen exclusive, PlayStation has started to rack up more next-gen only games on its platform with Demons’ Souls, Godfall, Destruction AllStars and Returnal.

    While more next-games for Xbox are on their way, it certainly increases the value proposition of getting a Series console with enhanced compatibility, AutoHDR, and of course, Xbox Game Pass.

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