Ubisoft Servers Go Down Minutes Before Event; How To Get Watch Dogs 2 For Free [Update]


    [Update: Ubisoft have now confirmed that everyone will be receiving their rewards, regardless of whether they logged in during the event. Now anyone with a Uplay account is eligible for the freebies, so just head onto the Ubisoft Forward page and register to claim your rewards.]

    Ubisoft’s much awaited Ubisoft Forward event has just begun, but people still can’t log into their accounts to grab their freebies, including a free copy of Watch Dogs 2.

    They soon acknowledged the issue, with a tweet from the Support department 15 minutes before the event, although without any solution:

    30 minutes later, the thread is still as empty as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s bland open world:

    Ubisoft Forward issue thread

    You’d think that being such a big corp, they must’ve been prepared for millions of people to swarm their website for Watch Dogs 2. Haha, no. Let’s see how does Ubisoft handle the situation now, they might possibly just turn it into an open giveaway for everyone, but let’s not jump to conclusions and wait for an official statement. Pretty sure they won’t disappoint.

    Also, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla really seems to be Ubisoft’s take on The Witcher 3, and you’d actually be forgiven for confusing the both in terms of visuals. Check out our first impressions here. Another heads up, you can get the game for free with a Ryzen chip, thanks to AMD and Ubisoft’s partnership.

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