The Psychology Of Fantasy


    All too often, we find ourselves drowning in the drudgery of routine. On most days, we are bombarded with predictable events and monotonous tasks that we are forced to embark with reluctance. As we push through excruciating mundanity, we find ourselves looking desperately for a retreat. In unfortunate cases, people have demons from the past which alter their actions towards situations and their perception of things. With experience, we come to understand that an immediate haven catering to our physical and emotional needs is hardly available when necessary. After reaching the heights of disappointment and experiencing an array of emotions from within, our defense mechanisms spring subconsciously to help us build a way towards felicity and tranquility.

    Soon, we learn to escape into our quintessential sanctum within our minds. We help ourselves encounter trying situations with dexterity while maintaining calm within. This is when our minds master the conception of fantasies. While fantasies let the creative persona of the individual paint a vivid depiction of their inner needs, just how far can we let our fantasies fly?

    While our cognitive abilities have the potential to construct implausible, yet gratifying scenarios without external aid , the inclusion of media and entertainment in our lives let us cross the logical barriers of our mind with ease. Although fantasy evolves into a defense mechanism as we age, we learn to fantasize as children to fill the voids of uncertainty that stretch beyond out small minds.

    As children, we have memories or justifying creaking sounds and movement of objects as supernatural entities or vicious burglars. From fiery dragons to shimmering castles, children envision these ambitious ideas to cope with the mundane nature of their game. Psychologically, crossing a raging river of lava filled with mythical creatures instills a sense of adventure into the normal act of crossing a road and hence, adds that little element of achievement which possibly didn’t exist before. However, it is vital to understand the boundary between fantasy and reality. Life has progressed into an incredibly competitive state and people find less time to attend to others psychological needs. The gradual transcendence into adulthood leaves us disappointed with reality. Therefore, it is imperative that we introduce pragmatic scenarios before our children as a bridge between fantasy and actuality.

    As teenagers, we are made to confront situations across the spectrum that effectively puts our emotional endurance to a test. It gives us a glimpse into life as it is and most teenagers fail to cope with it. Engaging in harmless imaginative pursuits in the name of entertainment is acceptable. Unfortunately, most teenagers resort to living in the fantasy world they’ve created and become a social recluse. They prefer to push reality into the dark depths of our labyrinthine mind and seek happiness in false conceptions.

    Over reliance on mystical worlds or charming celebrities leads to an obsessive outlook on life while clouding reality in the process. These actions leave teenagers susceptible to manipulation and exploitation. While desperate attempts can be made to pull teenagers out of this deluded perception, a single source offering to satisfy their fantasies can cause a relapse in their sense of judgment. Serial manipulators have understood this psychological weakness at length and use it to draw teenagers into doing things that the rational mind would alert as being dangerous. Therefore, it is crucial that children are raised with enough love and awareness to counter such situations. It is essential that we enlighten our children with real word concepts and help them deal with the irregularities of the human psyche with maturity.

    As we progress into adulthood, we enter a realm of responsibility. While this challenging phase can be embraced, most view it as a burden. Essentially, many create problems that do not exist by relying of false theories constructed by their mind. Our brain is programmed to create scenarios as presented. Sometimes, people who exist in perfectly normal situations choose to employ a depressive outlook on things as it appeals to them. These individuals probably have trauma from the past which essentially needs to be handled with understanding and compassion.

    While relating to a situation is a natural response, diving deeper into its sorrowful depths is unwise. This being a psychological disorder, needs to be addressed immediately. It instills a depressive desire of sorts where it is devours the individual from within, but they gain pleasure out it. Certain fantasies pertaining to this genre can cause a person to go deep down the depressive spiral. This is highly toxic emotionally and can progress into full-fledged psychological disorders.

    Personal relationships are often confused with the proceedings of popular fantasies. While fantasies serve the purpose of entertainment, we must understand that most are far from reality. Psychologically, we enjoy things that we don’t possess or we seem to think we don’t. Although being part of lovable relationships and caring families, these fantasies have the potential to create unrealistic expectations and a sense of delusion within us which might cause distress to the people who actually care. Relying on these perfect portrayal of real world concepts can cause us to live in a state of constant disappointment. Hence, it is vital for us to understand the effort behind personal situations and acknowledge them rather than rely on fancy superficial depictions.


    Life is a turbulent ride and accepting this fact at the earliest is wise. Even when posed with the most gratifying scenarios, there will be factors that attempt to extinguish the fire within. However, it is our undying willpower that helps us cross the impediments of life. The individual self is capable of confronting the gravest of situations. The only thing we need to rely on is ourselves. Belief and hope help us transcend through the realms of hardship and turmoil. While fantasies can be counted on as a source of momentary pleasure, relying on them to construct our lives and actions is foolish. Fantasies, perhaps taken in microscopic doses prove to be useful but we must remember, it is a drug. While it is enjoyable to transcend across dimensions of our fabricated happiness, it is wise to get back to solid grounds and evaluate reality as it is.


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