Earlier this month Qualcomm announced their next top of the line mobile SoC, the Snapdragon 888, which is going to power the next suite of flagship Android smartphones. Recently, Qualcomm shared some benchmark scores of its latest SoC that will be competing with other flagship chipsets including Apple’s A14 Bionic, Huawei’s Kirin 9000, and Samsung’s upcoming Exynos 2100. So how does it fare against the competition?
To recall, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 is built on Samsung Semiconductor’s 5nm LPE process node. It comprises the Kryo 680 CPU which is the first CPU to bring ARM’s Cortex X-1 core onboard clocked at 2.84GHz along with A-78 and A-55 cores, in the 1+3+4 architecture, coupled with Adreno 660 GPU. It features an all-new triple ISP Spectra 580.
Snapdragon 888 Benchmark Scores
These benchmark tests were performed on a reference device designed by Qualcomm powered company’s latest Snapdragon 888 SoC coupled with 12GB LPDDR5 RAM and 512GB UFS 3.0 internal storage and features a 6.65-inch FHD display with a 120Hz refresh rate, and that’s something we can expect from a typical 2021 Android flagship.
Starting off with AnTuTu, Snapdragon 888 powered smartphone has managed to score 735,439, beating AnTuTu’s top performer Huawei Mate 40 Pro+ that managed to get a score of 698,654.
Meanwhile, in the Geekbench tests, the Snapdragon 888 has shown a marginal improvement over the Snapdragon 865 with a single-core score of 1135 and a multi-core score of 3794.
Coming to Snapdragon 888’s graphics performance, the Adreno 580 managed to achieve 86 frames per second in GFX Bench’s Aztec Ruins Vulcan test and 169 fps in the Manhattan 3.0 benchmark test running in off-screen mode at a resolution of 1080p.
Snapdragon 888 Vs Apple A14 Bionic
Apple always had an upper edge against Qualcomm in the battle of chipsets, and last year’s Apple’s A-series chipsets beat Qualcomm’s Snapdragon SoC’s to the death.
Is it same old story all over again?
It was a close flight between Snapdragon 888 and A14 Bionic, with Snapdragon 888 beating the A14 in AnTuTu while losing the crown against A14 in the Geekbench and GFX Bench.
Comparing AnTuTu scores, the Snapdragon 888 powered Qualcomm’s reference smartphone earned a score of 735,439 whereas A14 Bionic powered iPhone 12 Pro Max only managed to score 638841 while the iPad Air 4th generation has a maximum score of 646625 for the A14 Bionic, with Snapdragon 888 having a massive lead of 100,000 points in the AnTuTu Benchmark, also beating Apple’s high-scorer, the iPad Pro 3rd generation which has a score of 720,121.
As far as Geekbench is concerned, A14 Bionic powered iPhone 12 Pro beats Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888 powered reference smartphone in single-core results with a score of 1585 while iPhone 12 gets an edge over Snapdragon 888 with a multi-core score of 3950.
In terms of graphics performance, Qualcomm’s Adreno 560 claims the throne with a frame rate of 86 frames-per-second in the GFX Bench test meanwhile A14 Bionic’s GPU in the iPhone 12 family only manages to score a maximum of 79.4 frame-per-seconds.
These numbers present Snapdragon 888 as a winner but benchmark results may vary between commercial flagships and the reference design. So chances are that a commercial Snapdragon 888 powered flagship might not be able to get or even exceed these scores, helping Qualcomm to regain the top position in the mobile silicon industry.