Earlier this month, Apple revealed its latest Apple Silicon, M1 powering the new Macs including the Mac mini, MacBook Air, and the 13-inch MacBook Pro. The new Macs uses Apple’s first ARM-based SoC for the computers and are incredibly powerful than the latest offering of Intel and other silicon manufacturers, but there were no cosmetic changes in the new Mac lineup.
Redesigned MacBook Pros in Pipeline
We know that a redesigned 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro is in pipeline for the next year, but now a recent research note received by MacRumors from the prominent analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reaffirms that the Cupertino giant will be launching a redesigned MacBook lineup in the second half of 2021.
In addition to these redesigned MacBook Pro models, Apple might also bring a redesigned iMac, rumours suggest that Apple is planning to give 24-inch iMac a design refresh and is also working on a smaller Mac Pro.
One more time?
In another news, tipster “L0vetodream” retweeted MacRumors report adding “not only for Silicon”, which implies that Apple might be working on Intel-powered redesigned MacBooks since the transition is expected to take 2 years, and the Cupertino giant never said that they are going to cut off ties with Intel permanently. So, there might be a few more Intel-powered Macs before Apple bids adieu to Intel.
Huge demand for iPad Air 5th-gen; iPad 9th-Gen to Launch in H1 2021
The prominent Analyst also added that the demand for the latest iPad Air 5th generation is better than expected, and he expects growth in iPad sales with the Cupertino giant adopting new technologies such as Mini-LED and 5G support. He adds that a budget iPad might launch in the second half of 2021, which is expected to be the ninth generation iPad.
Third Generation AirPods to be similar to AirPods Pro; Coming Next Year
Ming-Chi Kuo adds that the third-gen AirPods is expected to debut in the late second quarter of 2021. Earlier he shared that the next year’s AirPods will be very similar to the AirPods Pro in terms of design but Apple will be cutting out the noise cancellation from the features.
Apple Watch Shipments to Increase in 2021
Kuo note’ also mentions that the “new Apple Watch shipment’s momentum in 2021 will benefit from innovative health management functions and improved form factor design”, but there’s no clue about which model is he referring to, the Series 6 or the redesigned Apple Watch Series 7.
We’ll keep you updated as more news of Apple silicon products drop.