For a long time tech companies have tried to blur the line between ARM-based products and desktop-grade x86 processor-based products and with the newfound assurance from Apple’s dive with the M1 chip, the topic’s never been hotter. Motorola plans to take a bite into this with its plans to enable a Desktop Mode when it rolls out Android 11 updates for its devices.
Desktop grade applications powered by ARM!
The fresh reveal of the Snapdragon 888 chipset, the next torchbearer to Qualcomm’s revered SD 800 series processor, Motorola has uncovered plans to introduce devices in the premium-budget offerings with “800-series experiences”.
A video posted on Qualcomm’s Tech Summit Digital 2020 event page clearly shows off a Motorola device, very possibly a version of the famous G line up, powering a Lenovo ThinVision monitor with a UI that looks fairly similar to Samsung’s DeX.
“2021 will mark the 10th generation of Moto G, and nothing would make us prouder than bringing 800-series experiences to this family,” said Motorola Mobility President Sergio Bunac in the video. Logic says that Motorola could be working on relaunching the G brand with was popular back in the days for great performance and clean software while offering a likeable design for stellar prices.
Motorola’s intention goes beyond a simple feature that would let you connect a display using a Type C cable to a smartphone that supports DisplayPort Alternate Mode for video output. Motorola plans to go beyond with closer integration with Windows 10. Mobile Desktop will enable users to connect through Windows Remote Desktop Connection over USB or WiFi.
Benefits to reap from this feature are useful if slightly gimmicky at first. Launching apps to fill out big screens, mirroring notifications and carrying out tasks with the added functionality of peripherals like keyboards and mice.
The advent of more powerful ARM chipsets and a healthy dose of supporting hardware in terms of higher capacity RAM units and high-speed storage systems, the possibility to extend tasks onto larger viewing environments are getting easier and can prove to useful given the use case, which has been elaborately pointed out in an article on XDA.