Tech giant Microsoft said it will switch to a four-week release cycle for stable builds of Edge later this year. According to Engadget, the company plans to move to that schedule starting with Edge 94, which should arrive in September.
Earlier this month, Google announced that Chrome would move to that cycle with Chrome 94 (which should drop in the third quarter) as part of an effort to release new features faster. At the moment, stable Chrome builds emerge every six weeks or so. Chrome and Edge are both based on Chromium, so it makes sense for Microsoft to adopt the same schedule, the report said.
Microsoft noted that the four-week cycle might not be ideal for everyone. Enterprise customers will have an Extended Stable option, through which Microsoft will roll out major Edge updates every eight weeks.
It will still provide bi-weekly security updates to those who choose that option. Google will offer a similar Extended Stable option to its enterprise customers, the report said.
The upcoming schedule change will bring Edge and Chrome in line with Firefox. That browser adopted a four-week release cycle in early 2020, it added.