Kingdom Come: Deliverance Sells 1 Million Copies


    Warhouse Studio’s newest RPG, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, has sold 1 million copies within the first two weeks of its release. The hit RPG based off of Bohemia’s history released on Steam on 13th February, 2018 and has been universally praised for its unique attention to detail and extreme adherence to real world mechanics.

    Screenshot from Kingdom Come DeliveranceFor a game that started as a kickstarter back in 2012, it’s certainly come a long way. The information came from the US Community Manager’s Twitter account on the 22nd of February. The tweet read:

    “Looks like we sold 1,000,000 copies of Kingdom Come: Deliverance in less than 2 weeks! This is truly amazing! Thank you sooooooooo much everyone! #kingdomcomedeliverance

    You can find a link to the tweet here.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance puts you in the shoes of Henry, a blacksmith who’s home has been destroyed by the new king. You join a rebellion in order to overthrow him, and in the process, your choices directly impact how the game is played. The game boasts a massive overworld, full of incredibly diverse characters and a number of different paths that your quest can take. The game has a ‘Mostly Positive’ rating on Steam based off almost 12 thousand reviews, and a 76 on Metacritic.

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