Ever since the Ryzen processors hit retail, AMD has been steadily chipping away at Intel’s market share, so much so that in some countries the Zen-based processors sell way more than their Coffee Lake counterparts. A prime example is Germany, where one of the largest CPU retailers, Mindfactory has been keeping a track of the chips sold since 2011. According to these estimates, Intel has continued to lose customers since last year, with a sharp decline in the last quarter of 2018.
The figures from May highlight AMD’s growing influence while Intel lost another part of its pie, marking the tenth straight month of lagging behind its competitor in terms of the market share. At the end of May, AMD held 66% of the German market share while Intel was reduced to 34%, down from 36% in April. The Ryzen 5 2600 continued its winning streak by being the most popular SKU for the 9th month in a row, and the Ryzen 7 2700X came in second, followed by the Ryzen 6 2600X.
On the Intel side, things looked rather grim with the 9th Gen i9, i7 and i5 chips contributing to the lion’s share of the company’s revenue in small, but crucial bits nonetheless.
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Looking at the revenue shares, the deltas are much less prominent, with AMD responsible for 51% of the total revenue, and Intel for the remaining 49%. This can be attributed to the fact that all three of Intel’s top performers cost more than 300 Euros, with the 9700K and 9900K at 400 and 500 Euros, respectively. In contrast, AMD’s core sales come from the sub-200 buck market, primarily the 140-buck Ryzen 5 2600 and the more expensive, but still affordable Ryzen 7 2700X priced at 290. This is still lower than Intel’s average CPU cost of 313 Euros.
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AMD can do even better if they tie up with VIA for making chipsets for their processors. AMD sucks big time in this department. Especially when it comes to USB implementation. 10 year old MSI motherboards with VIA chipsets and Athlon processors are still going fine while newer AMD chipset mobos have never worked right and have already been junked.