Intel has been facing stiff competition from AMD in the last few quarters or so. The launch of the Ryzen 3000 series only accentuated the issue for team blue. To make matters worse, Intel has also been facing a global shortage of 14nm CPUs which essentially means its entire 9th Gen desktop and mobile CPU lineups. Over the past couple of months, the company repeatedly asserted that the problem was under control, much to the dismay of critics and analysts. Now, the cat is out of the bag and Intel has once again admitted that “despite their best efforts, they still haven’t been able to resolve this challenge”.
In an update to consumers and partners, Intel Exec, Michelle Johnston Holthaus apologized to all those affected by the shortage and blamed the “Sustained market growth in 2019” as the primary reason. According to Holthaus, Intel was able to increase their second half CPU output by double digits but even that wasn’t enough.
The way I see it is that Intel just seems to have itself in a spot of bad luck. The company is currently in the process of migrating to the 10nm node and has been ramping up production for the same. However, the company’s 14nm Skylake core is still far from discarded. The upcoming Comet Lake-S CPUs set to succeed Coffee lake will also be based on the same architecture.
What’s making things worse for Intel is AMD’s resurgence at the same exact point when the supply issues are the worst. Furthermore, unlike earlier, AMD CPUs aren’t just okay. they’re on par and better than contemporary Intel parts. So this time, no one has reason to buy a blue chip regardless. And this is exactly what’s happening. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more.