Huawei Consumer Business Group India has finally announced the availability of the Huawei Watch GT 2e on Flipkart and Amazon. Customers can now order the much-awaited smartwatch and avail lucrative offers. Till 28th May, buyers can avail 6 months no-cost EMI on the smartwatch on Flipkart and Amazon. Huawei Watch GT 2e is available in three exciting colors, Mint Green, Graphite Black and Lava Red at an attractive price point of Rs. 11,990.
This is a meticulously crafted smartwatch, designed for those who are always on-the-go and fitness enthusiasts. It comes with one of the longest battery life of two weeks, hence users can easily do their daily tasks without having to worry about charging. With over 100 workout modes, including dedicated 15 professional workout modes, consisting of 8 outdoor activities and 7 indoor activities, the Watch GT 2e offers users an enhanced and invigorated workout experience. To inspire an active and healthy lifestyle. It brings improvements in design including a concealed crown that goes with the watch body to add an extra flourish.
The HUAWEI WATCH GT series has an important health parameter measuring application – the SpO2 feature. With this feature, users can monitor the oxygen levels in blood easily. It boasts of a 1.39-inch AMOLED high precision touch display supporting a Retina-grade resolution. The vibrant display assists clear viewing even in strong sunlight during summers. This iteration is further equipped with Huawei’s proprietary Kirin A1 chip to provide a two-week battery life, assisting users to perform fitness and health management actively and comprehensively.
As and when Team TechQuila gets their hands on this smartwatch you can count on us to give you a detailed review!
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