The GTA V Reveal on PS5 is More Important Than You Think

    GTA V PS5 Reveal
    GTA V PS5 Reveal

    The first game to open the PS5 reveal event was Rockstar’s GTA V. As expected, many were confused and frustrated, over the decision to start a next-gen gaming event focusing on a re-release. But it’s much more than that.

    The re-release of GTA V on PS5 will mark the game’s third release on a new platform, and that’s why Sony is banking on it so much – To transition the 110 million PS4 user base to PS5.

    GTA V is a last-generation game, which originally released on the PS3 and Xbox 360. The game was then re-released for the then-next-generation consoles. The PS4 and Xbox One versions boasted higher resolutions and more steady framerates, and there’s no doubt that the PS5 version could be targeting a 4K 60 FPS release.

    In a recent interview, Sony Interactive President Jim Ryan said that transitioning their PS4 users to the new console is a key target.

    “The numbers are quite straightforward. If you say in broad-brush figures that we have a community of 100 million PS4 owners right now, and in the first couple of years… I don’t know, somewhere between 15 and 25 million might migrate to PS5, that still leaves a huge number of people with PS4s. And that community is demonstrating an amazing stickiness, and willingness to stay engaged that, I think, the events of the past few months have just reinforced what we knew already.”

    Sony PS5 Consoles
    Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) Consoles

    It makes sense that Sony would start transitioning existing PS4 players with the most successful entertainment product ever. The game might be old but demand for it is still high, looking at how many people crashed Epic Games’ servers during its giveaway.

    Grand Theft Auto V will come out on the PS5 in 2021 with a standalone GTA Online being free for the first 3 months. GTA V PS4 owners will get $1 million in their Maze bank every month until the game’s PS5 release.

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