Facebook Curbs Misinformation Regarding COVID-19 News


    Facebook has recently rolled out an update regarding spreading on misinformation. Now, the company is reportedly coming out with a specific feature which will just be dedicated to old and outdated information relating to COVID-19 news. 

    Through notifications on the user’s screen, Facebook will provide the user with an idea that they are about to share a piece of news which is old and that the user needs to be careful about what they are sharing on the social media platform.

    Facebook has tried to “help people understand the recency and source of the content before they share it” and also to ensure that they are exposing “people to our COVID-19 Information Center to ensure people have access to credible information about COVID-19 from global health authorities.”

    There has been ample misinformation regarding the pandemic which has been doing rounds on the social media platform. This, in return, has spoilt Facebook’s credibility as a news and information source. Due to misinformation, panic can potentially spread, along with access to information which does no one any good.

    Facebook curbs misinformation by ensuring that users get adequate information about the relevancy, timeliness and authenticity about the news. Facebook’s initiative will ensure that it is not responsible for the panic and the spread of misinformation regarding the coronavirus news. 

    Often, older and not authentic COVID-19 news resurface back on the internet which sends the users into a frenzy, depending upon the nature of the news. People in current times have their eyes on Facebook and other social media for updated COVID-19 news. The nature of the news fluctuates depending on the updates regarding the virus coming in now and then. 

    Facebook has also ensured that the curb on fake COVID-19 news is under control by allowing information from trusted health and medical authorities at the top of all our News Feed for reference. 

    Other measures that Facebook has taken up to responsibly takedown and fight fake COVID-19 news is putting a ban on anti-mask groups and sending out messages constantly which warn users of inauthentic COVID-19 news. Facebook also has started to probe into the news or a video which spreads fake and inaccurate information about COVID-19.

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