DC’s New Gods Movie Confirmed ; Ava DuVernay To Direct

    Warner Bros. has seemingly confirmed that a New Gods adaptation is in the works, with Selma director Ava DuVernay taking the helm.


    Just when it seemed like Warner Bros. was running out of ideas the DCEU (or whatever its being called now), they’ve managed to garner a whole lot of media attention. Over the last few months there have been numerous (questionable) developments happening at the studio. First the Joker origin film, and now, apparently a New Gods adaptation ! These moves sure have changed the DC film slate that was announced last year.DC Comics

    The project has been confirmed to be in the works at WB studios, and they’ve seemingly also roped in a director : Ava DuVernay. For the uninitiated, DuVernay directed the recent release A Wrinkle In Time. While that film didn’t exactly see the critical response it needed to, Warner Bros. must have seen the vast potential she has to direct a mammoth epic as New Gods. Fans may recall that DuVernay was also in the running to direct the smash success that is now Black Panther. That shows that the major studios know her talent.

    The New Gods are a race of supernatural beings in the DC comics universe. First conceptualized by Jack Kirby, the king of all weird and wacky stuff in comic books (he contributed a lot to Doctor Strange…). While they’ve crossed paths with DC’s fellow superheroes in the comics, it seems like this upcoming movie will not tread that path. Even though last year’s Justice League touched on this idea with Steppenwolf. Much like the Joker origin movie, it looks like the New Gods will be set outside of the current DC Films Universe.

    We’ll keep you updated as the news develops…

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