Express Interactive, India’s leading video game publisher has announced pre-orders for Borderlands 3. Interested players in India can pre-order the Standard, Deluxe, and Super Deluxe Edition starting April 17. The game is releasing on 13 September on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. These multiple editions are chock-full of physical goodies and bonus content.
Borderlands 3 Standard Edition – ₹3,999
This is for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The standard edition comes with:-
- The base game.
- Pre-order bonus: Gold Weapon skins and weapon trinket.
Nobody would mind Gold Weapon skins early on in the game.
Borderlands 3 Deluxe Edition- ₹5,299
This one is only for the PlayStation 4. The Deluxe edition comes with:-
- The base game.
- Retro Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device skin, weapon skin.
- Neon Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device Skin, weapon trinket
- Gearbox Cosmetic Pack: Weapon skin, weapon trinket.
- Toy Box Weapon Pack: 2 Toy guns, Toy grenade mod, weapon trinket.
- XP & Loot Drop Boost mods.
- Pre-order bonus: Gold Weapon skins and weapon trinket
The Deluxe edition will give you the best start in the game, allowing you to choose any style you want.
Borderlands Super Deluxe Edition ₹6,399
This one is only for the PlayStation 4. The Super Deluxe edition comes with:-
- The base game.
- Retro Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device skin, weapon skin.
- Neon Cosmetic Pack: Vault Hunter head & skin, Echo Device Skin, weapon trinket
- Gearbox Cosmetic Pack: Weapon skin, weapon trinket.
- Toy Box Weapon Pack: 2 Toy guns, Toy grenade mod, weapon trinket.
- XP & Loot Drop Boost mods.
- Pre-order bonus: Gold Weapon skins and weapon trinket
- The Borderlands 3 SEASON PASS, which includes:-
- Four campaign DLC packs featuring new stories, missions, and challenges.
- Butt Stallion weapon skin, weapon trinket, and grenade mod.
- Steelbook
This is arguably a must for a fan of the Borderlands series. Who wouldn’t want to add a steelbook to their collection? The season pass is a great addition which will help keep the game fresh long after its release.
From the minds at GearBox Software, Borderlands 3 is a long-awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed Borderlands 2. Borderlands is the shooter-looter franchise that mixes it all, fast-paced first-person shooter mechanics with extensive role-playing progression in an expansive world featuring 4 player co-op play.
September 13 seems far but all we can do is wait and prepare ourselves for one hell of a ride in Borderlands 3.
Further reading: