AMD launched the Radeon RX 5500 XT last week to tackle NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 1650 Super and reclaim thew budget GPU space. It performs quite well at 1080p beating the latter in most cases, albeit the pricing is still a concern. We’ve been hearing of a second budget Navi card, presumably the RX 5600 XT for a while now. Whether this part will be based on the same Navi 14 core or the illusive Navi 12 remains to be seen.
There some more evidence available now regarding the RX 5600 XT in the form of an ECC listing. These usually surface a month or two before the products’ eventual launch. Going by that, the Radeon RX 5600 XT should hit retail in January or February.
These seem to be Gigabyte variants of the 5600 XT and there are almost a dozen of them. It’s highly unlikely that all of them will make it to the market. Some of them are probably just engineering or test samples. The RX 5600 XT will compete with the GTX 1660 Super, sitting right below the RX 5700. That means it’ll probably feature a new die. I’m thinking that’s the Navi 12. We’ll keep you posted.