AMD Claims Support for Real-Time Ray Tracing on all of its DX12 GPUs


    AMD’s only competitor in the GPU market, NVIDIA launched its RTX series of GPUs last year, and one of its features was extensively marketed, the support for Real-time Ray Tracing using the RT cores NVIDIA had included in those cards. But, now AMD is claiming that real-time Ray Tracing is not exclusive to just NVIDIA RTX GPUs and that all of AMD’s DirectX 12 GPUs support real-time Ray Tracing via Microsoft’s fallback layer in DirectX Raytracing.

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    The support might be there, but AMD users will still not be able to use the Ray Tracing effects as AMD has not added any support for Microsoft’s fallback layers in its drivers. One of the reasons behind this could be the substandard performance with Ray Tracing enabled via these fallback layer method as AMD’s GPUs currently lack the hardware required to support the tech properly.

    So while the claim of all AMD DX12 GPUs supporting Real-time Ray Tracing is true, AMD users still won’t be able to use the feature until AMD produces a graphics card powerful enough to support the tech and deliver adequate performance. So till then, if you want to enjoy the Ray tracing effects while gaming, NVIDIA is the only option for you.

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