AMD Hits All-time High CPU Sales Figures


    AMD’s bet on Ryzen just keeps paying off. Today, new data seems to indicate that Ryzen sales haven’t peaked yet. Instead, they’ve hit an all-time high. Ingebor, a member of the official AMD subreddit showed figures from MindFactory’s sales indicating that AMD CPU sales have hit an all-time high.

    This is huge news and it’s a complete turnabout from the position team Red was in a couple of years ago. It’s also interesting because it comes in the wake of continued supply issues with high-end Ryzen.

    We talked about AMD’s Ryzen supply issues earlier. From what we understand, supply-side pressure is greatest on the higher end components, including the Ryzen 7 3700X and the Ryzen 9 3900X. On the other hand, the Ryzen 5 3600 and 3600X continue to be in stock at more or less launch prices. This is despite the fact that they are a much higher volume product. It seems almost as if AMD is artificially imposing supply limits to push prices up on the higher end Ryzen parts.

    Nevertheless, overall sales are phenomenal. The Ryzen 5 line alone has sold more units than Intel’s entire CPU lineup.

    As we’d mentioned earlier, though, consumer CPU shares are only a small part of the overall business AMD and Intel do. It’s the server market that really matters. And here, while Team Red has a lot of catching up to do, they’ve gone from essentially 0 percent market share 2 years ago to as much as 10 percent now. We’ll keep you posted Ryzen and just how well it does.

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